Laser Eye Surgery Consultation in Cumming

Book Your Eye Exam

Precision Surgery for Improved Vision

LASIK is a popular refractive surgery used to help correct vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism

Start your laser eye surgery journey with a comprehensive consultation at Clarity Vision Group to determine if you are a suitable candidate. Schedule an appointment today.

Visit Us for a LASIK Consultation

If you’ve been considering LASIK, but don’t know where to start, a consultation at Clarity Vision Group is your first step. We’ll take the time to answer your questions and make sure you are well-informed about the process.

To begin, your eye doctor will take a comprehensive medical history, looking for any factors which might make laser surgery an unsuitable treatment option. They will also ask about your lifestyle and work.

Once given the all-clear for surgery, we will take detailed measurements of your eyes and calculate your prescription to prepare for surgery. Once those details are arranged, it’s time to schedule a date and look forward to clear vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

What to Expect from the Laser Surgery Process

Clarity Vision Group is here for you at each step of the laser surgery process. After your consultation, we’ll refer you to a trusted surgeon. Following your surgery, we’ll schedule follow-up appointments to ensure your eyes are healing on track. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions along the way.

The Procedure

LASIK is a safe, quick, and precise procedure typically completed in 30 minutes or less.

Your eye will be given a local anesthetic—this facilitates a more comfortable experience for you. Your surgeon will begin by cutting a small corneal flap in order to access the part of your corneal that will be reshaped.

A programmed laser will then reshape the cornea to improve how your eye refracts light onto the retina.The corneal tissue is then subject to intense bursts of targeted laser light, lasting only a few seconds. 

That’s it—quick and painless, though some patients experience a mild discomfort.

Though the majority of patients can return to work within 1–2 days of surgery, total recovery can take up to 6 months. Other than prescription eye drops to maintain lubrication in the eye, the recovery will largely take care of itself.

If you do experience any discomfort or irritation, do not hesitate to contact us immediately—we are always here to help our patients following a procedure. Though uncommon, side effects can occur and should prompt a return visit to our clinic, including:

  • Dry eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pain
  • Infection

Even if you experience no issues, we’ll have you return for several post-op consultations, just to ensure that you are healing well with no hidden complications.

Discover if Laser Eye Surgery Is Right for You

Find out how you can benefit from laser eye surgery by visiting Clarity Vision Group for an initial consultation. See life lens-free! Schedule your appointment today.

Our Services

Adult & Senior Eye Exams

Our comprehensive adult and senior eye exams give us the opportunity to assess your eye health, test your vision, and protect your eyes from future health problems.


Contact Lens Exams & Evaluations

Before you order your next pair of contacts, it’s important to get a proper contact lens exam and evaluation. Contact lenses aren’t suitable for everyone and an exam can help determine what vision correction solution is right for your eyes.

Children’s Eye Exams

Many eye diseases and conditions start to progress during childhood. Protect your child’s vision and eye health by making sure they see us regularly for an eye exam.

Myopia Management

Does your child have myopia or nearsightedness? With a variety of myopia management techniques and treatments, we can help your child’s vision improve.

Our Location

Visit Us Today

When you visit our practice, every step of your eye care experience will be tailored to you. Visit us today to see the difference we can make in your life.

Where to Park

Our practice is conveniently located at the corner of Peachtree Parkway and South Clement Road. There is parking available directly in front of our office.

Our Address

  • 1780 Peachtree Pkwy. Suite 301
  • Cumming, GA 30041

Contact Us

Our Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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